
Python Shell
Also called the Python Interactive Interpreter, it’s what happens when you type python into your terminal and get a >>> prompt. It allows you to interactively chat with Python. Every line is interpreted after you press enter. Unlike when you ask Python to run against a file.
is a VERY detailed set of instructions telling a computer what to do.
You can loop over it.
A whole number, 0-10. in python it’s type(‘int’). See Numbers in Python
A number with a floating decimal place, it’s full name ‘Floating Point Number’.
A number with a fixed decimal place, i.e. currency. Python as a module called decimal that will handle this. It also provides an arithmetic that works in the same way as the arithmetic that people learn at school.
You can change it.
A hash function converts an object to a number that will always be the same for the object. They convert an object into a unique for it number. Useful for verification that said object is the same, and useful for a few other things.
A string is a character, or sequence of characters (like words and sentences). See Strings in Python and for even more information str.
Keywords define the language’s syntax rules and structure, and they cannot be used as variable names. Python currently has 33 keywords, but sometimes they change. import keyword keyword.kwlist will always contain the current list.