Strings in Python ================= * A string is a character, or sequence of characters (like words and sentences). * A number can be a string if it’s wrapped in quotes * All strings should be wrapped in quotes "This is a string" * Some of the operators we learned earlier work with strings too! * What operators do you think would make sense? * how about +? >>> "This is a string" >>> "This is a " + "string" >>> "a dozen of something is 12 things" >>> "this is" in "this is a string" >>> "is this" in "this is a string" Strings are made up of characters: >>> "h" + "e" + "l" + "l" + "o" 'hello' Each character gets an index: H E L L O 0 1 2 3 4 In Python, Indexes always start at 0: >>> "hello"[0] 'h' >>> "hello"[4] 'o' >>> "Hello World!"[2] 'l' >>> "Hello World!"[5] ' ' String Operators: * concatenation (joining words together): + * multiplication with numbers: * * compare equal: == * compare not equal: != * compare in: in * compare not in: not in String Rules: * Each character’s position is called its index. * Indexes start at 0. * Spaces inside the string are counted. Print ----- >>> "This" + "isn’t" + "great." 'Thisisn’tgreat.' >>> "This " + "is " + "better." 'This is better.' >>> print("this", "is", "much", "better") this is much better :func:`python:print` is a "function", which is a way to group a bunch of instructions together. print is a built-in function, that means Python gives it to us for free. We will cover more about functions in a different class.. for now, just put whatever you want to print inside the () with print inside of it. print will take almost anything and print it for us! >>> print(6+6, "eggs makes a dozen.") 12 eggs makes a dozen. for more information on strings, you can type help(str) into the python shell OR visit :class:`python:str`