Numbers in PythonΒΆ

Get your computer to the Python shell (see Setup Your Environment if you need help)

In Computers we have different types of Numbers, we have whole numbers (Integers), like 5, decimal numbers like $53.26 and Floating point numbers like 3.1415926.....

Integers (whole numbers):

>>> 5
>>> 10
>>> 9999

Floating point numbers (numbers with decimals):

>>> 1.0
>>> .00000567
>>> 3.14159
We can do math on numbers with “Arithmetic Operators”:
  • addition: +
  • subtraction: -
  • multiplication: *
  • division: /

Try doing some math in the interactive shell:

>>> 2 + 2
>>> 10 - 5
>>> 400 * 12
>>> 10 / 3
You can Compare numbers using “comparison operators”:
  • == Equal to
  • != Not equal to
  • < Less than
  • > Greater than
  • <= Less than or equal to
  • >= Greater than or equal to
>>> 5 == 5
>>> 5 >= 6
>>> 16 * 2 == 32

Decimal numbers are handled in the decimal module in python, and are not directly covered in this introduction.